You can Win, Day 13, 28 Day Challenge, Stay in the Fight

You Can Win Day 13
28 Day Challenge
Stay in
the Fight
Thy word
have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11
  Psalm 119:11 brings
back memories.  It was one of the first
scriptures I’ve meditated on as a new believer way back in 1980.  And even though I’ve been saved 32 years, and
I’ve seen victory after victory, I still have to make an effort to hide the
word – a fresh word – in my heart.  The
devil doesn’t stop because you’ve been around the good word of faith for a long
time. So the thing I have to remember is that the same victory I’ve gotten over
the years I still have today.  I always
have to be ready to fight.
The problem with a lot of us is that we don’t want to fight.
However, if we are going to live a life free from sickness, financial lack and
other tricks of the enemy, we have to get in the fight and stay in the

That reminds me … I distinctly
remember the last fist fight I ever had. 
I was about 13 years old and as skinny as a rail.  I and two other girls from the block would
hang out during the summer.  We were
bosom buddies, so I thought, until this other girl from several blocks away started
visiting us.  She eventually turned my
(so called) friends against me.  So, I no
longer had anyone to hang out with.  Each
day I would sit on my front porch and watch them walk up and down the
street.  Daily, the three of them would
begin to say horrible things about me (and of course how skinny I was) as they
passed by my house.  One day, distraught
at how people can be so mean, I went in the house and told my mother what was
happening.  She told me to stop whining
and go back outside. (I had a reputation of whining in my house. I suppose I
hadn’t yet lived down that family reputation.) 
So I went back outside only to see them teasing and taunting me again
and again.

That was when I had had enough. This one last pass, I yelled
back to them, “Stop talking and do something about it.”  That started a verbal squabble which turned
into a wild fist fight.  Other people got
in, including my sister. My mother came out to break it up. 
Who won the fight?  I
still don’t know. But I do know that all the taunting stopped.  My ex-friends apologized to my mother and I
never saw the girl from the other street again until we are in college.

Now, if fighting back works in natural things,
surely it works in spiritual things. There is devil that will always try
to keep you from doing well. Take the time to pick up your weapons and fight
back.  Your weapons aren’t fists, sticks
or other deadly weapons. Your weapons are the word of God, praise, binding the
devil, holding fast to your confession of faith, seizing your blessing with a
grip that cannot be shaken out of your hands. 
Tell the devil, “You can’t have my money. I take my money by the
authority of Jesus.  Now, you get out of
here!!”  Don’t lie down like a door
mat.  Get up and fight.  Come fit for the battle, because in this
fight, you will win every time.


you’ve been a Christian for 40 years or for one minute, it does not
matter.  It doesn’t matter the size of
the dog in the fight.  What matters is
the size of the fight in the dog.

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