Untitled Post

Hello Everyone,

Carolyn and I want to thank you for reading and following our blog.  The Lord placed in our hearts a number of years ago to use the technology of the internet to take the gospel to the world.  In obedience to that call we have established and endeavored to maintain this blog.  We know that there are many avenues on the internet to communicate with you, but this has been the best way for us.   
I want to remind you that our blog has a nice feature that will allow the content to be translated into 50 languages.  If you notice the translate bar on the left, you can click on it and choose the language of your choice.   Every blog we have posted can be translated.  So please take advantage of this and pass the link on to others in countries around the world.
Thank You and we declare that – Jesus Is Lord over all the Earth!
George and Carolyn

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