Day 38 – 40 Days of Prayer, Domestic Tranquility – Law Enforcement Officers

Day 38

Days of Prayer

Tranquility – Law Enforcement Officers

To the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the God of all Glory and everything Good:

We pray today for all law
enforcement agents. May grace and peace, which means peace with God, harmony
and unity be theirs through the knowledge of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ. According
to Romans 13:1, they are Your ministers to do us good. As such, we as a nation
submit to those authorities, as they are subject to Christ.

“Let every soul be subject to the governing
authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities
that exist are appointed by God.”

Therefore, we lift up before You
your ministers so that they may be holy and honest in Your sight.  We ask that you keep them and their families
safe as they protect the citizens of our great nation.  Most of all we pray that as they walk in your
ways, that you make even their enemies be at peace with them.  Give them this wisdom from heaven to execute
their jobs, whether as police officers, firemen, medical emergency staff,
special agents or otherwise.  Let Psalm
144:1-2 be their fight song: 

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth
my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high
tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my
people under me.

Show them the way to go; lead
them to the solution of the cases they are investigating; Give them uncommon
wisdom to avoid evil, solve crimes bringing the lawbreakers to justice.  Also, Father, we ask that You continue to
send laborers across their paths that would encourage them daily; encourage
them to do right by the law no matter who is looking; let them know that the
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ loves them and is praying for them as they do
their part is providing domestic tranquility in our daily lives.

We declare today that as they put
You first, they are safe in Your secret place. 
No weapons formed against them shall prosper.  May peace be with them, and prosperity within
their homes. 

We do not come to You Lord in our
own authority, we come in the authority of Jesus our Lord.  Amen. 
Thank You for answering our prayer.





1:2 (Amplified Bible)


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