28 Day Challenge, Day 20 – Take Your Medicine

28 Day Challenge
Day 20
Take Your Medicine 

Medication:  Healing Scriptures with Praises to God
Prescription:  Take 3 times daily until all symptoms are
:  A desire for more Scriptures
will occur. Take as many as you desire.

The time to take your medicine that God provided is
before sickness attacks your
body.  That sounds backward, but that’s
the way God’s word works. Every day I either read healing scriptures and say
them out loud in prayer, or a say them out loud from memory. Rarely does a day
go by that I don’t speak God’s healing word over my body.  Why?  I
want to be ready if sickness or disease attacks my body. An anointed Bible teacher by the name of Charles Capps calls healing Scriptures “Gos-Pills”.

I like Chapter 20, because Pastor
Andre points out exactly what to do when physical challenges strike.  If I get so much as a sniffle, I immediately
speak the word of God over it, saying, “1 Peter 2:24 says, ‘Jesus, Himself,
took all my sicknesses, diseases and pains; and by His stripes I am healed.’  The Scripture says it and it is so.”  Every time I say that, the sickness leaves my
body, either immediately or over time. 
But, I don’t stop speaking the word and rejoicing in God until it’s
completely gone. 

One day, a couple of years ago, I
was home alone.  My husband was out of town
and my daughter was away in college.  I
woke up with the worse symptoms of the flu. I don’t remember ever being in so
much pain except laboring in childbirth. 
I lay in bed, in pain from my head, seemingly, to my toes.  However, as bad as I felt, I knew what to do.
I didn’t feel like doing it, but I knew what I had to do.  As long as I can open my mouth to speak, I am
going to speak the word of God, and that is what I did.

The word of God poured out of my
mouth like water out of a fireman’s hose. I must have spoken every healing scripture
I’ve ever heard.

Then, I
fell asleep. I don’t remember how much time past, maybe an hour or two, but I had
awakened in a sweat.  The fever broke,
and I felt absolutely great.  I got up
and rejoiced for Jesus is my healer!


Peter 2:24


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